The sight was all to familiar. The overwhelming understanding that these individuals have lived long lives full of happiness and sadness, and sit in this home for the elderly at ripe old age's. Looking into their eyes you could feel the power of what each person's eyes have seen. Some have experienced war, others have watched the love of their lives die- some have many grandchildren and great grand children- all have experienced tragedy of one form or another and all have lived much more life then I have, nor would I ever dream about. I entered into the Legacy House to give them my talent and hope to leave feeling better about myself. The individuals all seemed to have placid and pail looks on their face. Elderly homes have always made me feel somewhat uncomfortable, and this was no exception. The best service I felt I could give them was the beautiful sounds that vibrate from the piano when I sit down and play. As I sat down at the piano, my heart was filled as I began to play church hymns in hope to bring smiles to those around me. The memories that stir up emotions from these songs are so powerful and usually bring up peaceful and pleasant memories. These are the memories that they hold so dear. As I played my hands touch the keys so much differently knowing that I was playing for people who are listening. As I played the music filled the room and I could see smiles on some faces and others began to sing. A happiness entered the room that I was playing in, and as I saw the change of spirit within the individuals listening I realized something that I had failed to recognize. What I realized was how grateful I was for the example's in my life that had taught me this talent so I could have this moment of bringing joy to others around me. Sharing our talents are very special, and the act of service that comes from sharing these talents brings a joy that far exceeds playing for no specific purpose.